23 Mar SAP Self-Assessment Level 4 by lmswords in Comments 1. How long do most companies take to detect a data breach, even a major one? a. 6 hours b. 17 hours c. 3 days d. 6 months None 2. Who can access the configuration port of the SAP Message Server and potentially register a rogue application server and bypass SAP Gateway Access Control Lists? a. Nobody, except if specified in ms/acl_file_admin b. Everybody, ms/acl_file_admin does not exist by default c. Only trusted application servers can access the Message Server None 3. What should be considered the single most critical component of an SAP installation? a. The database b. The SAP router c. The Solution Manager d. The CI/ASCS None 4. True or False: SAP passwords are not stored in the database. Instead, only hashes are stored in the USR02, USH02 and USRPWDHISTORY tables. This means they are safe. a. True b. False None Time's up